Mountain Farmland
Questions and Answers

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Property Questions
How is the view from the home site?

The breathtaking vista offers stunning views at all times of the day, providing a complete 360° experience. To the east, the Gulf of Nicoya stretches out, where the sun rises over the various islands, including Chira.

At night, the twinkling lights of Puntarenas contrast beautifully with the boats in the waterway, which can be quite fascinating to watch after dark. Beyond the seascape, the horizon is adorned with high mountains on the mainland and distant plumes of various volcanos emerge in the distance.

As the view shifts to the southern mountains, the red steeple of the church in the village of Haucas stands out against the lush green of the neighboring farmland, which is dotted with grazing cattle. Westward, Hojancha and the further city of Nicoya settle in a basin below. Stunning sunsets illuminate the cozy towns as their lights flicker on.

A highway heads far away to the northwest, while Jesus bluffs rise across the northern skyline, with a gully at the base of the dark, pine-filled hills. A river, concealed by lush trees, runs its course through the vale before it empties into the Gulf of Nicoya, rounding out this captivating 360° visual tour atop the tall hill at the center of the 34.5 acre farm in Costa Rica.

What is the altitude of the farm?

Approximately 500 meters or 1640 feet. The air is fresh and cooler than sea level.

What is the grade of the farmland?

The existing home site is on a hill at the center of the parcel. The hillsides slope steeply down to gentle rolling meadowland and forests surrounding the base of the hill.

Natural springs and a creek trickle through the land below. The creek can be heard flowing over a waterfall on a property located further away.

What is the area of the acreage?

135,609㎡ / 34.5 acres of deeded, titled farmland & forest.

What is the condition of the property's residence?

Unknown. It is not known what repairs the concrete foundation and 1,000 square foot structure may require.

You should also consider the effort required to restore services which will make the home habitable once again.

Inspection is strongly recommended before concluding any real estate transaction.

How is the neighborhood?

Most surrounding parcels are farms with livestock and natural-growth forests. Most of the community are local farmers.

New homes are appearing as expatriates from various countries across the globe (seasonal & year-round) are joining this friendly and pleasant community.

Is this property under any homeowners' association regulations?

No HOA. Bear in mind that HOAs in resort and luxury areas can become pricey, and Costa Rica tightly controls development in maritime zones.

This is not beachfront property. Anything you do within the boundaries of your private property is at your own discretion..

What about green belts, common areas, and future development -- whether natural or constructed?

The home site is at the top of a hill at the center of 34.5 acres of farmland and unimproved forest.

Someone would have to build several very large skyscrapers to block your views and this is very unlikely.

What about safety and security access?

24/7 security and property maintenance can be hired locally through bonded companies:

Can I hire a caretaker?

The area is abundant with local help eager to be employed.

Is there property management available?
Environmental Questions
What is the climate like at the property?

Costa Rica is tropical. That means no snow or cold winters. Plants grow year-round in the eternal spring temperature of 70° to 95° degrees farenheit.

You can enjoy wearing shorts and sandals, or even run around naked in the privacy of your own 34 acre resort, surrounded by no one but the monkeys.

Costa Rica is a rainforest. Does that mean it is always raining?

There are two seasons, the wet season of June through October and the dry (or at least, 'not as wet') season of November through May.

The wet season is when the northern hemisphere experiences hurricanes. Most of the hurricanes, however, approach from the Caribbean side and are weakened as they cross the mainland mountains, making the Nicoya peninsula the driest region in the country.

Most mornings are sunny, even during the wet season. When the day gets warmer, you will find yourself thankful for the freshness of a cooling rain. Always pack your umbrella just in case.

How many trees are on the property? What kind of trees?

The parcel is about 85% treed with native forest consisting of mature hardwood and hundreds of species of native growth abundant with fruits and wildlife. The woods are a nature’s bounty of beauty and a joy for leisure strolls mixed with rigorous hikes.

The woods are a nature’s bounty of beauty and a joy for leisure strolls mixed with rigorous hikes. The growth has very little need for a machete as you pass through the trails and pathways left by animals.

Most of the specimens grown in the gardens around the home were transplanted bromeliads, orchids, and flowers, etc. from the surrounding woods. The forest is home to hundreds of various tropical plants, some playing a vital role in traditional medicine.

What else can be grown on the property?

Almost anything, and all year round. Several acres produce enough rice, beans, corn, etc. to support a small family.

The mature native woods can be lumbered and replaced with Teakwood. The altitude of 500 meters provides perfect conditions for coffee production.

There are several productive coffee farms throughout the region.

Legal Questions
Can US citizens buy property in Costa Rica?

Yes, US citizens may buy property under generally few restrictions in Costa Rica, with the same rights as locals.

Those restrictions primarily relate to beachfront land ownership within specifically designated ecologically sensitive zones.

Do I need a residency permit to buy property in Costa Rica?

No, you do not need to be a resident to purchase property in Costa Rica.

How can I obtain a Costa Rican residency permit?

Spending at least $150,000 USD on Costa Rican real estate qualifies you for an “inversionista” temporary residency.

After 3 years, you may then apply for permanent residency.

While you can apply in person for temporary residency, the process can be complicated. Therefore it is best to engage a reputable immigration attorney.

Here are some you can contact:
  • Alexa Sanchez Immigration Attorney +506 8456 0946

What are the primary legal considerations when purchasing Costa Rican real estate?

Always hire a local lawyer to explain the legal process to you, review contracts and verify property titles.

What kind of legal advisor do you recommend?

Bilingual, licensed, and up-to-date on current laws. Ask your tico neighbors who they use.

Must I travel in person to Costa Rica to purchase property there?

“A fool and his money are soon parted.”

“You get what you inspect, not what you expect.”

How may I obtain home or auto insurance?


Cultural Questions
What is so special about Nicoya, Costa Rica?

The Nicoya Peninsula is one of five of the world’s “Blue Zones,” an area where locals live measurably longer and healthier lives. This is thanks in part to the stunning natural environment around them.

Must I speak Spanish when I'm in Costa Rica?

Spanish is the national language of Costa Rica. You will be at a significant disadvantage without the ability to comprehend the national language..

What is driving like for US citizens in Costa Rica?

Your U.S. drivers license is valid while you are a tourist.

Not all roads throughout Costa Rica are accessible year-round. Streams that barely flow during one season can turn into raging torrents during the green season. Mud or trees can block the way. It’s important to know the road conditions all year long.

Proximity to services is also very important. The key factor is the “time” to reach the destination, not the “miles.” 5 kilometers on a rough dirt road when it’s raining can easily take an hour or more.

GPS service can be spotty, with no mobile Google Maps to guide you. Most streets do not have names. Physical addresses may be located quite a distance from noticeable landmarks.

Eventually, you will get to know your way around the countryside. This will help if you ever get lost driving down a narrow road leading into a flooded river crossing with no easy way to turn around.

Infrastructure Questions
Is there year-round access to the property?

Several of the other neighbors live year-round on the 2km municipal maintained road accessing the farm.

Not all roads are accessible year-round when transiting some of the more remote areas.

Streams that barely flow during summer can turn into raging torrents during our green season.

It is important to keep an eye on road conditions all year long.

What infrastructure exists near the property?

Municipal maintained road access and power to the property are already in place. The condition of the house and services is unknown.

How about electric service?

ICE is the electric provider that delivers power to the property, but not throughout the 32 acres of the property.


What about fresh water and water pressure?

Two springs on the farm provide continuous freshwater to a creek that borders one side of the property.

The addition of storage tanks, a pump to bring water from the springs to the top of the hill, and pressurizing systems will be necessary.

Is the house plumbed with hot water?

While the home once had hot water, today this status is unknown.

Does the home have municipal sewer or septic?

It originally was connected to a septic system. Today, this status is unknown.

Can you flush toilet paper?

This is a very important question to ask. Many buildings possess substandard treatment systems or pipes with small diameters.

This home had sufficient septic service for the single bathroom and yes, I flushed paper without any problems. Building plans submitted during pre-building inspection can be obtained.

What are my telecommunications options at the property?

Costa Rica has several cell phone service providers, including Kolbi, Claro, and Liberty. Contact your cellular provider about adding international service in Costa Rica.

You may also purchase a local SIM card from vendors at the airport, at car rentals, or stores throughout the country.

SpaceX's Starlink may be a possible choice for internet:


How far is it to major medical care?

Costa Rica has socialized medical services. Hojancha has a good sized hospital and dentist. Doctor’s offices are located in all regions, including Haucas.

Some doctors provide house-to-house wellness checks in rural areas, such as where this farm is located.

Key Tip: It’s not how many miles to a major medical facility, but how many minutes by car—in both the wet and dry seasons—that really counts.

The road between Haucas and Hojancha is paved and maintained year-round. The 2km to Haucas may require 4wd for year-round.